Here is a collection of some work related jokes, poems, and other interesting items that I have collected over the years either via internet or via my friends. I will be adding more items to this list as time and space permits. Please note that not all articles are written by me (some of them are) and in most cases I don't have the name of the author. In some case when I remembered thename, I had mentioned it in the article itself. I apologize for putting their work on the web but it is interesting and I wanted to share it with others. I hope the original author(s) do(es) not mind. In case, you would like to contribute something interesting to this site, please me the article and I would include it here with your (the author's) name and contact address. In last but not least, I do not wish to harm or hurt anybody in any sense, these articles are/were written for pleasure and for fun only. Please take them just as jokes, lighten up, and move on with your life. Now enjoy these and have fun !!!!!!!!!!
Before you leave a Top level Corporate job prepare
An American Investment BANKER gives advice
to a Mexican Fisherman.
Many uses of a BUSINESS CARDS.
What the COMPANY says and what they mean?
A State GOVERNMENT officer finds a lamp.
This is not my JOB.
An important corporate LESSON to remember.
A MEMO from headquarter to staff.
The different MANAGEMENT styles.
The difference between MY BOSS and I.
Five basic OFFICE RULES.
A dog applies to an OPEN position in the office.
PREPARE YOURSELF A couple of jokes.
In PRISON or at Work?
QUOTES from real life managers.
A reply to a REJECTION letter.
Who makes more money. The SALARY THEOREM.
The new SICK LEAVE policy.
A successful businessman had a meeting with his
SON-IN-LAW. (Contributed by Fatema Noorbhai)
What do you need to do to SUCCEED at work?
Working TIPS
for Junior Associates to become a Senior Associate.
A new VIRUS called work.
A fresh graduate gets a high paying job with his first corporate