For any hobby and to get up to date information about new and old items a collectors club is a big help. Although there are many clubs for Matchbox Collectors all over the world, the following are the Main clubs. When writing to these clubs please include a self address stamped envelope. However, most of the clubs now have email addresses to you could communicate with them electronically.
Although all Matchbox collectors are welcome to join,
this club is mainly formed for the West Coast collectors.
For more information write to:
P.O. Box 1534
San Jose CA 95109
them at:
This club was reformed by Everett Marshall in 1993. The club
offers a bimonthly newsletter covering the new items as well as
some old items. For more information write to:
Everett Marshall
P.O. Box 977
Newfield NJ 08344
(609) 697-2800
Founded in 1997 by John Yanouzas. This officially approved club from
Matchbox Toys (owned by Matell Toys) and has chapters in Europe and
Australia. For moreinformation write to:
John Yanouzas
7 N. Bigelow Road
Hampton, CT 06247
(860) 455-0138
them at:
Founded in 1977 by Charles Mack. This club offers a monthly
magazine that covers every category of Matchbox Toys. For more
information write to:
Charlie Mack
62 Saw Mill Road
Durham CT 06422
(860) 349-1655
them at:
This club was founded in 1985 and has offices covering North
America, UK, Europe and Australia. The club has a bimonthly
magazine. Although the magazine covers mainly the Model of
Yesteryears, information about new miniatures also available. For
more information write to:
In North America
M.I.C.A North America
c/o Rita Schnieder
P.O. Box 28072
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 6J8
(519) 885-0529
In UK & Europe
M.I.C.A UK & Europe
c/o Maureen Quayle
13A Lower Bridge Street
Chester, CH1 1RS
In Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific
M.I.C.A South Pacific
c/o Elaine Winkworth
P.O. Box 1026
Baulkham Hills
New South Wales 2153
This club is formed by Mattel Inc. to promote the Premiere Collection
in 1998. The cluboffers a club model, a large size poster and occasional
news letter. For more information write to:
P.O. Box 84
Conshohocken, PA 19428
(800) 821-7572
This club was formed by Matchbox Collectibles in 1998 to promote
the Matchbox Collectible models. The club offers a regular newsletter
covering the new items as well as some old items, a membership model,
membership card and a blue print of the club model. For more information
write to:
The Matchbox Collectors Guild
P.O. Box 10490
Glendale, AZ 85318-0490
(800) 858-0102