There are many things that make a model rare e.g., body color,
special labels/decals or a limited release in a
particular region/country. Lately a lot of companies have done
promotional models with Matchbox and some of the promotions have been
limited to a particular market and the models released are in very
limited quantity. Some of the rare Lesney Superfast models are:
MB 01 ....
Mod Rod in Yellow with Red wheels" label; currently $50 to $60
MB 04 ....
Gruesome Twosome in Orange with purple windows; currently $100 to $150

MB 05 ....
Sea Fire in White with Brown hull; currently $100 to $125
MB 07 ....
Hairy Hustler in Bronze with purple windows; currently $125 to $150
MB 08 ....
Ford Mustang Red with red interior; currently $250 to $350
MB 08 ....
Ford Mustang White with red interior; currently $100 to $150
MB 08 ....
Wildcat Dragster in Orange with Sailboat Label; currently $50 to $75
MB 08 ....
Rover 3500 in Yellow; currently $200 to $250
MB 09 ....
Ford Escort in White with red interior; currently $125 to $175
MB 09 ....
Ford Escort with Red interior (Another shot)
MB 09 ....
AMX Javelin in Lime with blue interior; currently $100 to $150
MB 09 ....
AMX Javelin in Red with yellow; (Picture thanks to Randy Truax)
MB 09 ....
AMX Javelin in Lime with white interior; currently $50 to $75
MB 10 ....
Piston Popper in White; currently $250 to $300
MB 12 ....
Safari Land Rover in Blue; currently $1,000+
(Picture thanks to Randy Truax)
MB 14 ....
Leyland Tanker in Red with "Shell"; currently $60 to $85
MB 17 ....
London bus in Chrome with "Swinging London" label; currently $750 to $1,000
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Baron of Beef" label; currently $250 to $300
(Picture thanks to Randy Truax)
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Eduscho Kaffee" label; currently $200 to $250
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Sellotape" label; currently $350 to $400
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Sellotape Electrical Tapes" label; currently $450 to $600
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Typhoo" label; currently $250 to $350
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Takashimaya" label; currently $100 to $150
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Ilford HP5 Film" label; currently $350 to $500
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Stay at the London Hilton" label; currently $150 to $200
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Aviemore" label; currently $65 to $85
MB 17 ....
London bus in Brown with "Bitso Bus" label; currently $??
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Chambourcy Yogurt" label; currently $??
MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Camcel" label; currently $175 to $225

MB 17 ....
London bus in Red with "Museum of London" label; currently $50 to $75

MB 18 ....
Field Car in White with black wheels; currently $300 to $450
MB 18 ....
Field Car in White with silver; currently $300 to $450
MB 19 ....
Road Dragster with "Scorpion" label; currently $50 to $75
MB 19 ....
Road Dragster with "Wynn's" label; currently $150 to $175
MB 20 ....
Lamborghini Marazal in Yellow from Broomstick; currently $75 to $85
MB 20 ....
Police Patrol with "Paris Dakar" labels; currently $50 to $75
MB 22 ....
Pontiac G.P. Coupe in Red; currently $2,000+
MB 22 ....
Blaze Buster with white ladder; currently $250 to $400
(Picture thanks to Randy Truax)
MB 22 ....
Blaze Buster with black ladder; currently $50 to $75
MB 23 ....
VW Camper in Orange with orange interior, & sailboat label; currently $150 to $175
MB 24 ....
Team Matchbox in Yellow with "4" label; currently $300 to $375
MB 24 ....
Team Matchbox in Yellow with "8" label; currently $275 to $300
(Picture thanks to Randy Truax)
MB 24 ....
Team Matchbox in Blue with "1" Label; currently $300 to $375
MB 24 ....
Team Matchbox in Blue with "5" label; currently $300 to $375
MB 25 ....
Ford Cortina in Light Brown Ford; currently $75 to $100
MB 25 ....
Flat Car in Cream with "OCL" label; currently $75 to $85
MB 29 ....
Shovel Nose Tractor in Lime; currently $100 to $125
MB 30 ....
8-Wheel Crane in Orange with Orange crane; currently $250 to $300
MB 32 ....
Leyland Tanker in Blue with "Aral" label; currently $50 to $75
MB 32 ....
Leyland Tanker in Red with "NAMC" label; currently $400 to $600
MB 32 ....
Leyland Tanker A set of two Purple tankers with "NAMC" label; currently $150 to $200 each
MB 33 ....
Lamborghini Miura in Yellow with Red interior; currently $100 to $125
MB 34 ....
Formula 1 in Pink with "Wynn's" label; currently $100 to $125
MB 37 ....
Soopa Coopa in Orange with "Jaffa Mobile" label; currently $100 to $150
MB 37 ....
Skip Truck in Orange with Red bucket; currently $100 to $125
MB 37 ....
Skip Truck in Red with Blue bucket; currently $100 to $125
MB 38 .... Jeep in red with Gliding Club tampo; currently $350 to $450 -- Sorry No Picture.
MB 38 ....
Stingeroo in Purple with chrome handlebar; currently $350 to $400
MB 41 ....
Ambulance with "Notzart"; currently $50 to $75
MB 41 ....
Ambulance with "Paris Dakar"; currently $50 to $75
MB 42 ....
Iron Fairy Crane in Red with Yellow crane; currently $85 to $100
(Picture thanks to Randy Truax)
MB 45 ....
Ford Group 6 in Non Met. Green with "6" labels; currently $175 to $225
MB 45 ....
BMW 3.0CSL in Red with no labels; currently $75 to $100
MB 45 ....
BMW 3.0CSL in White with "Manhalter" labels; currently $50 to $75
MB 46 ....
Mercedes 300 SE in blue; currently $100 to $125
MB 46 ....
Mercedes 300 SE in blue (another shot);
MB 46 ....
Mercedes 300 SE in Silver; currently $125 to $150
MB 48 ....
Sambron Jacklift in Yellow with "Sambron" tempo; currently $350 to $500
MB 49 ....
Chop Suey with chrome handlebar; currently $350 to $425
MB 52 ....
Dodge Charger in Green with "Castrol" Label; currently $500 to $750
MB 53 ....
Ford Zodiac in Blue; currently $350 to $400
MB 58 ....
Girder Truck in Cream; currently $85 to $100
MB 60 ....
Holden Pickup Truck with "Paris Dakar"; currently $50 to $75
MB 61 ....
Wreck Truck in Red with Blue windows; (Picture thanks to Randy Truax)
MB 61 ....
Peterbilt Wrecker Truck in blue with black booms; currently $100 to $125
MB 61 ....
Blue Shark in Red with "69" labels; This may be a pre-production model.
MB 61 ....
Blue Shark with "Scorpion" label; currently $50 to $75
MB 62 ....
Cougar Dragster in Lime with "Wildcat" label; currently $50 to $60
MB 63 ....
Freeway Gas Tanker with "Castrol" label; currently $100 to $125
MB 64 ....
MG 1100 in Green; currently $175 to $225
MB 64 ....
Slingshot Dragster in Orange; currently $125 to $150
MB 65 ....
Saab Sonett in white; currently $250 to $300
MB 65 ....
Airport Coach in Orange with "Lufthansa"; currently $50 to $75
MB 66 ....
Mazda RX 500 in Orange with amber windows; currently $75 to $100
MB 67 ....
V.W. 1600 in Red; currently $100 to $125
MB 68 ....
Porsche 910 in White from Broomstick; currently $50 to $75
MB 68 ....
Chevy Van in White with "Adidas"; currently $50 to $75
MB 69 ....
Turbo Fury with "Scorpion" label; currently $50 to $75
MB 69 ....
Armored Car in Green; currently $50 to $75
MB 70 ....
Dodge Dragster in Pink with Flame label; currently $100 to $150
MB 70 ....
Dodge Dragster in Pink with "RatRod" label; currently $50 to $75
MB 70 ....
Dodge Dragster in Pink with "Castrol" label; currently $750 to $1,000
MB 71 ....
Ford Wreck Truck in blue; currently $125 to $150
MB 74 ....
Diamler Bus in Red with "Inn on the Park" label; currently $200 to $250
MB 74 ....
Diamler Bus in Red with "Baron of Beef" label; currently $200 to $250
MB 74 ....
Diamler Bus in Red with "Miniature Vehicle" label; currently $200 to $250
MB 74 ....
Diamler Bus in Red with "Scotch Whisky" label; currently $200 to $250
MB 74 ....
Diamler Bus in Green -- Yes! Superfast version; currently NOT KNOWN
MB 74 ....
Toe Joe in Green with Red boom & Black hook; currently $150 to $200
MB 74 ....
Toe Joe in Yellow with "Hitch Hiker" labels; currently $125 to $175
MB 74 ....
Toe Joe in Green with white booms; currently $100 to $125
MB 75 ....
Ferrari Berlinetta in green; currently $100 to $125
TP 06 ....
Breakdown Set Red Toe Joe with Green booms & Mini Cooper with "29"; currently $250 to $275
(Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)
TP 08 ....
Field Car & Honda w/Trailer White Field Car w/silver hub caps; currently $500 to $650
(Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)
TP 09 ....
Field Car & Team Matchbox in Orange; currently $75 to $100 (Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)

TP 11 ....
Military Jeep & Cycle in Olive Drab; currently $130 to $165 (Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)

TP 12 ....
Police Patrol & Field Car in Olive Drab; currently $130 to $165 (Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)

TP 13 ....
Military Scout & Armored Car in olive Green; currently $130 to $165
(Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)

TP 22 ....
Double Container Truck in Green with Orange Container & "OCL"; currently $150 to $200
TP 22 ....
Double container Truck in Green with Orange Container & "OCL" (another shot); currently $150 to $200
(Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)
TP 22 ....
Double container Truck in Red with "NYK Container; currently $100 to $150
(Picture taken from Stfan Muramma's web site)
TP 24 ....
Articulated Box Truck with "KODAK" label; currently $500 to $600
TP 24 ....
Articulated Box Truck Red Cab with "Matchbox" label; currently $75 to $100
TP 24 ....
Articulated Box Truck Yellow Cab with "Matchbox" labels; currently $50 to $75
TP 25 ....
Pipe Truck with Yellow Cab; currently $50 to $75
TP 14 ....
Military Twin Pack in Olive Drab with "French Flag"; currently $100 to $150
MB- .... A set of three
"Jaffa Mobile" models in orange, currently $100 to $450 each model.
By far Early German models are considered to be the most difficult to
find. For example, first German special released in 1977 (include
5 models -- Deutesche Bundespost in yellow, Unfall Retung in red,
Aral in blue, ADAC in yellow and Rennservice in silver). Second
release of 5 models (include red Confern, orange Schulbus, green
Dresender Bank, white Adidas, and red Notarzt). Also, a 3 piece
German set commonly known as 1000 ps is considered to be quite rare. The current price of this
set ranges from $200 to $400.
Some of the Early French releases are also considered to be very rare
especially the three models released in France for the Paris Dakar
rally. These models were marketed to French market in unique
blister packs. In 1977, a set of 10 models were released for
U.S.A. market only called a "U.S.A Roman Numeral Set."
In July of 1994 a set for 5 models was released as
promotion for "Nationwise
Auto Parts" . The current price for this 5 piece set is
as high as $300 but most of the people who have extras are not
selling them rather they would like to trade these models for some
other rare releases.
Four of the rarest models released by Tyco are:
MB 10 .... Black Dodge Viper with "1995 Line Preview" on trunk.
MB 14 .... Red Corvette Roadster with "1994 Line Preview" on trunk.
MB 34 .... Yellow Plymouth Prowler with "1996 Line Preview" on trunk.
MB 71 .... Metallic Red 1962 Corvette with "Matchbox & DMB&B"
on roof with Chrome Wheels.
MB 71 .... Metallic Red 1962 Corvette with
"Matchbox & DMB&B on roof with Gray Wheels 
The above four models are released in the quantity limited to 50
pieces only and were given to the parties reviewing their new line.
The current price of these model are as high as $350 each if one
could find them.
Seven of the rarest models released during the Mattel Era are:
MB 04 ....
1957 Chevy in orange with "Fanta" 
MB 17 ....
London Bus in orange with "Fanta" 
MB 20 ....
Volvo Container Truck in orange with "Fanta" 
MB 27 ....
Jeep Cherokee in orange with "Fanta" 
MB 34 ....
Ford RS200 in orange with "Fanta" 
MB 47 ....
School Bus in orange with "Fanta" 
MB 49 ....
Peugeot Quasar in orange with "Fanta" 
The above seven models were released in very limited quantity in Chinese market only. The
current price of these models are as high as $250 to $300 each if anyone could find them. The
other rare models from non-Lesney era are:
MB 04 ....
1997 Corvette in red with "Launch Commemorative" tempo; currently $200 to $225
MB 05 ....
'57 Chevy in Gold released as a Gold Challenge Winner Car in 1997; currently $250 to $300
MB 05 ....
'57 Chevy Gold Challenge Winner Car Another Shot
MB 10 ....
Dodge Viper RT10 in White with "1st Annual Golf Outing" tempo; currently at $250 - $300;
MB 10 ....
Dodge Viper RT10 in White body, "Season's Greetings 1998, Color Comp Inc."; Currently $200 to $250
MB 11 ....
Chrysler Atlantic in Met Tan, "Season's Greetings 1997, Color Comp Inc."; Currently $200 to $250
MB 17 ....
London Bus in red with "First MICA Convention" label; currently $250 - $300
MB 22 ....
Lamborghini Diablo in Red with original packing; currently $50 - $75
MB 23 ....
Volvo Container Truck in Turquiose with "Sagamore Insurance" label; currently $100 to $125
MB 27 ....
Jeep Cherokee in Blue with "Hellmann's/Best Foods"; currently $125 to $150
MB 30 ....
Quarry Truck in Turquoise with "Sagamore Insurance" label; currently $100 to $125
MB 34 ....
Plymouth Prowler "Driving to Win" 5 spoke concave star wheels; currently $200 to $250

MB 34 ....
Plymouth Prowler in White with "Beep Beep the Clown" on trunk, Only 100 made by Mattel in 1999; currently
$50 to $100
MB 38 ....
Model A Ford in White with "Ben Franklin" labels; currently $500 to $750
MB 38 ....
Model A Ford in White Body, Green Roof, "Season's Greetings 1999, Color Comp Inc." currently $200 to $250
MB 38 ....
Model A Ford in Red with "Big Apple Circus" label; currently $100 to $125
MB 38 ....
Model A Ford with "PG Tips" label; currently $100 to $125
MB 38 ....
Model A Ford in Black with "MICA 2nd Convention"; currently $200 to $250
MB 38 ....
Model A Ford in Blue/Orange with Chinese Lettering; currently $100 to $150

MB 38 ....
Model A Ford in Blue/Red with Chinese Lettering; currently $100 to $150

MB 38 ....
Model A Ford in Blue/Yellow with Chinese Lettering; currently $100 to $150

MB 38 ....
Model A Ford "Sammlertreffen" from Germany; currently $200 to $250
MB 38 ....
Ford Courier in Red with "AXA?" tempo; currently $100 to $150
MB 44 .... Model T Ford Van in Dark blue with "Ford on Show" tempo; currently $100 to $150
MB 48 ....
School Bus in Yellow with "Horlicks"; currently $50 to $60

MB 48 ....
1956 Ford Pickup Truck in red with "2nd Annual Golf Outing; currently $250 to $300
MB 49 ....
V.W. Concept in orange with "World of Wheels" on roof, given at the 1999 Line Preview Meeting; currently
$200 to $250
MB 54 .... Chevrolet Lumina with "PG Tags" logo ===>(Sorry Forgot to take picture)
MB 55 ....
Porsche Boxster in Silver with "Grand Opening (Mattel) Die Cast Factory"; $250 to $300
MB 60 ....
Ford Transit in white with "McKesson" tempo; currently $50 to $75
MB 60 ....
Ford Transit in white with "dcs" tempo; currently $50 to $75
MB 60 ....
Ford Transit in white with "Kellogg's" and Roosterhead; currently $75 to $100

MB 68 ....
Dodge Caravan in Black with "Adidas" on the hood; currently $100 to $125
MB 68 ....
Chevrolet Van in blue with "Boston Gas" tempo; currently $100 to $125
MB 70 ....
Ferrari 308GTB in Red with "Data East" labels; currently $65 to $85
MB 71 ....
Jeep Liberty Silver, Mail Order promo; currently $50 to $65 
MB 72 ....
Cadillac Allante in white (GM Promotional model); currently $125 to $150
MB 267 ....
Chevy Lumina given to Ron Slyder's guests who attended his daughter's wedding; currently $125 to $150
A set of 30 models released commonly known as Sam set
A set of 3 models with "Chef Boyardee" labels ===>(Sorry Forgot to take picture)
Las Vegas ....
2 Piece Las Vagas set currently $75 to $100 (individually)
3 Piece German Set 1000PS Set.
"Son Of Gun" Set
"STP" Set
Miscellaneous Rare Models (Lesney)
Some Hard to Find (Lesney)
Hard to Find (Post Lesney)