In 1973 Lesney Products released a new series called "Sky Buster" that included some Military and Civilian airplanes. Originally, the series started with sixteen models but later grown to twenty eight planes. Some of the original models have been replaced with new castings. This series came into existence a direct competition to the then popular Dinky range of die cast aircraft. However, this range never brought much profit to the company. The main reason for this was the fact that all of the skybuster models were released with "regular" type wheels. This series could have been very popular among collectors but poor advertising and not too much attention paid by the Matchbox Research and Development department lead to the downfall of this series. For the past few years there has not been any new skybuster model released. In fact, this series has kind of died down on its own. In 1997 there are a few models pictured but all of them have been released earlier. I hope to see some new castings in this range if not by Tyco, I hope by Mattel.