August 2002 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month.
This month we enjoyed the 50th Anniversary 2002 Matchbox Toy Show on Chelsea Piers
in Manhattan, NY. The show was a blast with a lot of people attending it all day
long. I visited the show and took pictures. Check out the
Pictorial Tour of the Show and enjoy the show. There were a lot of goodies out
there. So make sure to visit the picture gallery and enjoy the moments.
Remember I update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list
will be updated as I get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the
tradition of last year I am starting to list the "MW-???" code that shows the
number that the model is released under in the year 2002. The next code is the
catalog listing. For the last two years I started linking some models with their
pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model. Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and
post it on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to post good pictures.
I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come back and visit previous months to view the models.
Or you may bookmark my Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW039- .... 047-H- .... Armored Car .... Dark Maroon, lime interior, lime canopy
MW060- .... 060-M- .... Emergency Power Truck .... Red body, white arm, blue design on sides, "ZAP"
MW013- .... 042-H- .... Ambulance ....
Met. Silver/Green, yellow checkers, amber windows, "Ambulance" -- ROW Release
50th Birthday Medallion Models
MW039- .... 047-H- .... Armored Car .... Dark Maroon, lime interior, lime canopy -- Yellow logo on the hood
MW055- .... 034-I- .... Dumper Truck ....
Burgandy, gray dumper, "Demolition Force" -- Blue logo on left side of dumper
MW060- .... 060-M- .... Emergency Power Truck .... Red body, white arm, blue design on sides, "ZAP" --
White logo on left side
Nothing to Report yet.
051-L- .... Ford Expedition Police ....
Red/White body, detailed trim, rubber tires, "Matchbox Toy Show 50th Birthday Party"
072-U- .... VW Microbus Concept ....
Two tone Steal Blue, gray interior, yellow 50th logo on the rear panel, rubber tires -- Dealer Exclusive Model
091-A- .... 4-Wheeler ....
Met. Dark Green, lemon/black driver, "Forest Rescue/Ranger" -- From the
"Rock Slide Lunch Box"
(not really a promotional item)
CODE-2 models
017-C- .... London Bus ....
Chrome body, dot dash wheels, "Tour New York with Matchbox USA"
017-C- .... London Bus ....
Red body, dot dash wheels, "Tour New York with Matchbox USA"
044-H- .... Model T Ford ....
White body, black chassis, "Iron Bridge"
044-H- .... Model T Ford ....
Cream body, blue chassis, "Iron Bridge"
044-H- .... Model T Ford ....
White body, black chassis, "Whalley Abbey"
044-H- .... Model T Ford ....
Cream body, blue chassis, "Whalley Abbey"
059-L- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser ....
Blue body, lime roof, "NJDCC/2002"
Color Comp Releases
001-G- .... Dodge Viper GTSR ....
White body, black interior, "Yard Right Select"
008-K- .... 1999 Mustang Hard Top ....
Black body, gray interior, blue letters "Matchbox in NY/Produced at the Mathcbox Toy Show"
008-K- .... 1999 Mustang Hard Top ....
Black body, gray interior, pink letters "Matchbox in NY/Produced at the Mathcbox Toy Show"
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Purple body, black interior, "Kerry Kiku Ozima/Daddy's Girl is 6"
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Purple body, black interior, "Matchbox International Toy Show/August 24, 2002"
034-I- .... 1933 Ford Street Rod ....
Yellow body, black roof, "Buggies-n-Blues/Man Dan/Jun 2002"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White body, black roof, "Crowler Tractor/GTA 2002"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White body, black roof, "Buggies-n-Blues/Man Dan/Jun 2002"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White body, black roof, Liberty/Kangaroo design on sides, "An Aussie in New York"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
Iridescent White body, met red chassis, met blue roof, "Color Comp Salutes 50 Years of Matchbox"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
Met Gold, black chassis, black roof, "New York Toy Show August 23, 2002"
051-K- .... Ambulance ....
Red body, red bar dome, Kappa Gamma Seal, "Fire Rescue/Rescue Unit 3/IIKA"
058-K- .... International Armored Car ....
White body, blue windows, gold bird on sides, "PSI Armored Inc./Topeka, KS"
059-L- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser ....
Blue body, flower wheels, "Discount Best Attungshaus"
059-L- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser ....
Gold body, flower wheels, "Discount Best Attungshaus"
066-O- .... Limousine ....
Black body, gray windows, lace wheels, "ets/1-800-821-7177"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White body, gray windows, "Buggies-n-Blues/Man Dan/Jun 2002"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White body, gray windows, blue/pink polka design, "30 Years of Peace, Love and Vanning/30th National Truck-in"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White body, gray windows, flower wheels, "Van Toy's R Us/Happy Fiftieth"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White body, red roof, "Nemer VW Parts Express Service"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
Met Blue body, 5 spoke concave star wheels, "CCi A Unique Graphic Studio/Works of Art with Wheels"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
Blue body, 5 spoke concave star wheels, "MICA Goes to NY/2002 NY Toy Show"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White body, flower wheels, blue lettered "MICA Goes to NY/2002 NY Toy Show"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White body, flower wheels, red lettered "MICA Goes to NY/2002 NY Toy Show"
075-J- .... Golf Cart ....
White body, black load, "4th Annual Mattel Open 2002/Ramblewood C.C"
076-D- .... International Fire Pumper ....
Red body, red dome, white roof, "Liberty Town V.F.D"
076-D- .... International Fire Pumper ....
Red body, red dome, white roof, "New York City August 24, 2002"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White body, black chassis, rubber tires, "Purple Penguin Ice Cream & More...."
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White body, black chassis, rubber tires, "20th Centuary Antiques"
ASAP Releases
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
White body, clear roof, lace wheels, "UK"
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
White body, clear roof, lace wheels, "MSU"
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
White body, 5 spoke wheels, "Manugistics"
012-H- .... Mercedes Benz 500SL ....
Silver body, black interior, "S"
033-G- .... Utility Truck ....
White body, white turret, sawblade wheels, "Intergraph"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White body, black roof, "Unionville Community Fair 2002"
038-L- .... Mission Ford Van ....
White body, black base, gray ladder, "Intergraph"
049-I- .... VW Concept ....
White body, turquoise interior, "UK"
074-J- .... Formula 1 ....
White body, black rider, "MOCA/SEL LINE II"
Nothing to Report Yet
Nothing to Report Yet

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