August 1999 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small
description (my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so
far in this month. Remember I update this list only when I get the
model in my collection. This list will be updated as I get new models
until then Happy Collecting. Also, please remember that Mattel may
change the numbering again this year but I would still go by the old
numbers from Lesney to Matchbox International to TYCO because that is how
I am maintaining my database. You can choose to follow whichever system
suites you the best. Oh! one more thing. Starting this year I would be
linking some models with their pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model.
Please remember I cannot take pictures of every single model and post it
on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to
post good pictures. I may be a little slow in taking pictures so do come
back and visit previous months to view the models. Or you may bookmark my
Picture Gallery and visit it often. Just one
last thing, I did go to the Hershey Toy Show at the end of June but did not
spend enough time to do a review so sorry.....Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
57-H- .... Mack Auxiliary Truck
Neon Lime, "Action Metro Base"
60-H- .... Rocket Transporter
Neon Lime, black rocket
61-L- .... UFO
Mauve body, green windows
68-G- .... TV News Truck
Maroon body, "Intergalactic Research"
70-I- .... Mercedes E Class
Silver Grey body, "Intergalactic Research"
70-J- .... 4x4 Chevy Silverado
Black body, "Canyon Mission"
245-A- .... Chevy Pannel Van ....
Silver grey body, "Hot August Night 1999" -- Picture thanks to Advantage Collectibles
Red Plastic MB-44 Model T Van as a Christmas Ornament from Carlton.
CODE-2 models
15-K- .... Ford Transit ....
White body, "Lincare"
38-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, "White Guides Car # 1 Presidential Series"
54-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car
White body, "AEGIS NT"
54-L- .... Holden Commodore ....
Unpainted body, "1948-1998/50" -- Australian Release -- Picture taken from John Nijhuis page
54-L- .... Holden Commodore ....
Silver Grey body, "1948-1998/50th Anniversary" -- Australian Release
-- Picture taken from John Nijhuis page
56-D- .... Peterbilt Tanker ....
White, Chrome Tank, "White Guides Car of the Month # 10"
74-J- .... Formula 1 ....
White, Red lettered "White Guides Car of the Month # 9"
74-J- .... Formula 1 .... White, black lettered "White Guides Car of the Month # 9"
The following models are released by Matchbox Collectibles
38-E- .... Model A Van .... Gold body, "NBA / Boston Celtics"
38-E- .... Model A Van .... Powder Blue body, "NBA / Warriors"
38-E- .... Model A Van .... Met. Silver and Blue body, "NBA / New York Knicks"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van .... Met. Gold & White body, "NBA / Wizards"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van .... Red & White body, "NBA / Blazers"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van .... Black body, "NBA / San Antonio Spurs"
338-A- .... 1938 Dodge Airflow .... Black & White body, "NBA / Cavs"
338-A- .... 1938 Dodge Airflow .... Green & White body, "NBA / Bucks"
338-A- .... 1938 Dodge Airflow .... Red body, "NBA / Chicago Bulls"
YY???? .... 1939 Mack Junior .... Blue body, "NBA / Dallas Mavericks"
YY???? .... 1939 Mack Junior .... Met. Silver body, "NBA / Pistons"
YY???? .... 1939 Mack Junior .... Met. Silver body, "NBA / Eastern"
Elmo's Locomotive .... Blue body, Lemon base, Red Elmo

30-F- .... Mercedes Benz 280 GE .... Silver Grey body, red stripes
31-I- .... Nissan Prairie .... White body, "Aqua"
42-G- .... Sea Plane .... Navy, Blue wings, Grey fan
43-K- .... Sea Rescue Boat .... Red deck, White hull
44-J- .... Hydroplane .... Blue body, Red base
Crime Patrol: Ford LTD with white interior. All other models are same
Airways: Scissors Truck without "World Airways"
CY27-A- .... Mack Container Truck
Red Cab, Red Container, "Coca Cola"
CY39-A- .... Ford Aeromax Box Truck
White Cab, Blue Container, "Kellogg's"
CY??-A- .... Kenworth T-2000 Container Truck
Red Cab, White Container, "McDonalds"
SB-06 .... MIG 21 .... Met. Silver body
SB-15 .... Phantom F4E .... Beige body
SB-22 .... Tornado .... Black body
SB-28 .... A-300 Airbus .... White body, "FedEx"
SB-30 .... Grumman F-14 Tomcat .... Pinkish beige body
SB-40 .... Boeing 777 .... Met. Silver body, "American"
64-D- .... Caterpillar Bulldozer .... Yellow body, "Caterpillar"
The following six models are released in a gift set.
15-K- .... Ford Transit
White & Yellow body, "Coca Cola"
22-E- .... Jaguar XK 220
Red body, "Coca Cola"
25-J- .... BMW Z3
White body, "Coca Cola"
44-H- .... Model T Ford
Red body, "Coca Cola"
53-I- .... 1962 VW Beetle
Red & White body, "Coca Cola"
75-H- .... 1957 Corvette Convertible
Red body, "Coca Cola"
40-J- .... Dodge Concept Car
Unpainted body, + Bronze body
55-L- .... Porsche Boxster
Unpainted body, + Metallic Red body
75-H- .... 1957 Corvette Convertible
Unpainted body, + Red body
PREMIERE CONVOY (Millenium 2000 Rigs)
CY??-A- .... Kenworth T-2000 Trailer ....
Blue Cab, Blue Container, "History of Air & Space"
CY??-A- .... Kenworth T-2000 Trailer ....
Black Cab, Black Container, "History of Railroad"
CY??-A- .... Kenworth T-2000 Trailer ....
Navy Cab, Navy Container, "History of Ships & Boats"
CY??-A- .... Ford Aeromax Box Truck ....
White Cab, White Container, "History of Automobiles"
CY??-A- .... Kenworth Transporter ....
Red Cab, Red Container, "History of Motorcycles"
CY??-A- .... Ford Aeromax Box Truck ....
Silver Grey Cab, Silver Grey Container, "History of Trucks"

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