December 1999 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small
description (my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so
far in this month. Remember I update this list only
when I get the model in my collection. This list will be updated as I get
new models until then Happy Collecting. Also, please remember that Mattel
may change the numbering again this year but I would still go by the old
numbers from Lesney to Matchbox International to TYCO because that is how
I am maintaining my database. You can choose to follow whichever system
suites you the best. Oh! one more thing. Starting this year I would be
linking some models with their pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model.
Please remember I cannot take pictures of every single model and post it
on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to
post good pictures. I may be a little slow in taking pictures so do come
back and visit previous months to view the models. Or you may bookmark my
Picture Gallery and visit it often. Just one
last thing, I did go to the Hershey Toy Show at the end of June but did not
spend enough time to do a review so sorry.....Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
18-C- .... Extending Ladder Fire Truck ....
Neon Lime, "Laurel Ladder FD 21" -- US version
40-B- .... Horse Box ....
Turquoise Body, Gray box, "Kentucky Stable" -- US version
68-K- .... Jeep Wrangler .... Green body, "Forest Ranger" -- US version
71-C- .... Cattle Truck ....
Yellow body, red frame, black cattles, "Target Beef" -- US Version
73-I- .... 1955 Chevy Bell Air Hard Top ....
Olive body, "Convoy Follows"
86-A- .... 1999 Chevy Silverado Pickup ....
White body, brown spattes on sides, "Farm Fresh Dairy"
German Releases
71-I- .... Jagura XK-8 .... Green body, light brown interior
CODE-2 models
38-E- .... Model A Ford .... White body, Black roof, "Route 11 Potato Chips"
49-I- .... V.W. Concept Car .... White body, "Roswell 2K"
49-I- .... V.W. Concept Car .... Green body, "Roswell 2K"
A New Car Wash play set is released with an exclusive
VW Concept car in green with silver windows. This is the only way you can get
hold of this car.
01-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
Yellow & White body, "Pacers"
01-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
Silver body, "NJ Nets"
01-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
Black & Lavander body, "CAVS"
01-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
Black & Red body, "Blazers"
01-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS .... White body, "Warriors"
01-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS .... Black & Green body, "Minnesota Timberwolves"
01-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS .... Gold body, "Denver Nuggets"

23-H- .... Ford Van .... Turquoise body, Fish design on sides
36-D- .... Refuse Truck .... White body, blue dump, "Mill Run Trash Removal"
61-C- .... Peterbilt Wrecker Truck .... Lemon body, "Metro Recovery"
68-G- .... TV News Truck .... Black body, "Action TV News Sports Weather"
86-A- .... Chevy Silverado Pickup .... Red body, "Classic Home Builders"
The following are the Real Talking NBA Rigs with their championship year
CY .... Kenworth Trailer ....
Orange & Blue body, "Knicks / 1973 NBA Champions"
CY .... Kenworth Trailer .... Green & Black body, "Boston Celtics / 1986 NBA Champions"
CY .... Kenworth Trailer ....
Yellow & White body, "LA Lakers / 1988 NBA Champions"
CY .... Kenworth Trailer ....
White & Blue body, "Detroit Pistons / 1990 NBA Champions"
CY .... Kenworth Trailer .... Red & Black body, "Chicago Bulls / 1990 NBA Champions"
08-I- .... Airport Fire Truck ....
Neon Lime, DIA City and County of Denver"
10-F- .... Dodge Viper RT10 ....
White body, blue stripes
36-F- .... 1999 Mustang ....
Black body, Beige & black interior
46-J- .... 1955 Chevy Bell Air ....
Neon Lime, DIA City and County of Denver"
59-H- .... Camaro Police Pursuit .... White body, "State Patrol Nebraska"
73-I- .... 1955 Chevy Bell Air Hardtop ....
Yellow body, white roof, mag design wheels "Coca Cola" --
earlier version had wire design wheels
75-H- .... 1957 Corvette Convertible ....
Red body, mag design wheels, "Coca Cola" -- earlier version had wire design wheels
85-A- .... Sherman Tank .... Tan body, Olive camo, detailed trim
Nothing to Report
Nothing to report.

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