July 2001 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month. Remember I
update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list will be updated as I
get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the tradition of last year I am starting
to list the "MW-???" code that shows the number that the model is released under in
the year 2001. The next code is the catalog listing. For the last two years I started
linking some models with their pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model.
Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and post it
on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to
post good pictures. I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come
back and visit previous months to view the models. Or you may bookmark my
Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW015- .... 048-H- .... 1956 Ford Pickup Truck ....
Red body, Chrome Base, "Mr. Timmerman" 5 spoke wheels -- Earlier reported as silver gray base
MW022- .... 065-J- .... Jeep Grand Cherokee ....
Blue body, Sawblade wheels, "Jeep/Action Canyon" -- Earlier reported with 5 spoke wheels
MW032- .... 032-H- .... Nissan Xterra ....
Silver body, purple boat on roof, sawblade wheels, "Xterra"
MW041- .... 041-M- .... Radar Jet ....
Blue body, yellow radar, "Medic/439"
MW042- .... 042-H- .... Ambulance ....
White body, green/orange checkers, "Medic M3"
MW043- .... 043-I- .... Ford F-Series Fire Truck ....
Red body, yellow dingy on white platform, sawblade wheels, "MB FD"
MW044- .... 058-I- .... Camper ....
White body, blue dome, "HQ Police"
MW045- .... 057-H- .... Auxiliary Power Truck ....
White body, red dome, "Alarm Centre/34"
MW049- .... 054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
Black body, blue stripes, lace wheels, "MBI Special Agent"
MW050- .... 067-H- .... Ford Explorer ....
Blue body, amber dome, lace wheels, "State Patrol"
MW017- .... 074-L- .... Audi TT ....
Red body, white interior, tear drop wheels
MW046- .... 025-J- .... BMW Z3 ....
Green body, lace wheels
MW047- .... 071-I- .... Jaguar XK8 ....
Met. Burgandy body, tear drop wheels
MW048- .... 001-H- .... Mercedes Benz CLK ....
Met. Gold body, lace wheels
MW049- .... 069-J- .... Lotus Elise ....
White body, lace wheels
MW050- .... 072-R- .... Prosche 911 ....
Blue body, tear drop wheels
MW052- .... 072-S- .... VW Delivery Van ....
Silver Gray Body, black mud bike design, tear drop wheels, "TNT Tour" -- 2000 ROW version
CODE-2 models
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette .... White body, "Citrix NFUSE/Web Application Publication"
012-H- .... Mercedes 500SL ....
Silver body, black interior, "Citrix Metaframe for Unix Operating System" -- ASAP Release
017-C- .... London Bus .... Red body, "www.citrix.com/cdn"
047-E- .... School Bus ....
Yellow body, "Off to BJU" -- ASAP Release
047-E- .... School Bus ....
Yellow body, "On My Way to BC" -- ASAP Release
049-I- .... VW Concept ....
White body, turquoise interior, "Y" on roof -- ASAP Release
054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White body, "National Law Enforcement Officers Memoria" -- ASAP Release
054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White body, USAF shield on doors -- ASAP Release
072-S- .... VW Transporter .... White body, "Front Royal Warren County" -- Color Comp Release
074-J- .... Formula 1 ....
White body, "NetASPX" -- ASAP Release
075-J- .... Gold Cart .... White body, "First Bank 5th Annual Golf Classic"
CY- .... Scania Covered Truck .... Blue cab, blue trailer, "Kellogg's Rice Krispies"
CY- .... Mack Tanker .... White/Yellow cab, White tank, red stripes, "Shell"
CY- .... Kenworth T-2000 .... Red body, red container, "McDonalds"
CY- .... DAF Tanker .... White/Green cab, white/green tanker, "BP"
CY- .... Peterbilt Container Truck .... Red body, red container, "Coca Cola"
CY- .... Mack Container Truck ....
Green cab, blue container, "Ben & Jerry"

027-D- .... Jeep Cherokee .... White body, orange base, sawblade wheels
043-K- .... Sea Rescue Boat .... Dark blue body, orange hull, blue wave design
045-F- .... Submersible .... Red body, amber windows, blue wave design
052-B- .... Police Launch .... Light blue body, blue policemen, white wave design
067-H- .... Ford Expedition .... Blue body, amber dome, blue wave design, lace wheels
CY .... DAF Container Truck ....
Red cab, red container, British flag, "At Home Too! Coca Cola"
CY .... Mercedes Actros Container Truck ....
Red cab, red container, German flag, "Herbstfreuden/Coca Cola"
CY .... Mercedes Actros Container Truck ....
Red cab, red container, Chinese flag, Chinese Characters/"Herbstfreuden/Coca Cola"
CY .... Kenworth T2000 ....
Red cab, red container, US flag, "Coca Cola The Pause that Refreshes"
CY .... Scania Coverd Truck ....
Red cab, red container, French flag, "Coca Cola"
CY .... Scania Covered Truck ....
Red cab, red container, Australian flag, "All Over the World Coca Cola Brings Refreshment"