June 2003 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month.
Remember I update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list
will be updated as I get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the
tradition of last year I am starting to list the "MW-???" code that shows the
number that the model is released under in the year 2003. The next code is the
catalog listing. For the last two years I started linking some models with their
pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model. Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and
post it on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to post good pictures.
I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come back and visit previous months to view the models.
Or you may bookmark my Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW028- .... 059-M- .... Police Motorcycle w/Side Car ....
Lemon, blue seat, lemon side, car "Police"
MW031- .... 031-P- .... VW Beetle Taxi ....
Green/White, black interior, white protuberance, lace wheels, "TAXI/31"
MW036- .... 036-J- .... Taxi Cab ....
Lemon, black interior, blue medallian, checker design, "TAXI/36"
MW037- .... 059-L- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser ....
White, blue windows, blue stripes, lace wheels, "Richie's Burgerama/37"
MW038- .... 058-K- .... International Armored Car ....
Lime, blue windows, pink pig design, sawblade wheels, "MHC Bank"
MW042- .... 042-I- .... Ford F-Series Truck ....
White, blue windows, lemon raft, sawblade wheels, "MHC Beach Patrol"
MW043- .... 061-N- .... Over-Under Rescue Boat ....
Red deck, blue base, red tower, yellow stripes, "Matchbox Beach Patrol"
MW044- .... 068-Q- .... Center Console Boat ....
Red deck, white base, white engine, gray canopy, "MHC Beach Patrol"
MW045- .... 045-G- .... VW Beetle 4x4 ....
Lemon, red dome, cast hood, oval wheels, "MHC Beach Patrol"
MW047- .... 068-O- .... Airlift Helicopter ....
Met. Gold, cherry windows, red propeller, green skis, "Raccoon Forest"
MW048- .... 048-K- .... Fire Tanker ....
White, no interior, blue tanker, cast pipe, fish design, sawblade wheels, "48"
MW049- .... 058-L- .... Chevrolet Avalanche ....
Lime, amber windows, green/white stripes, sawblade wheels, "Pine Forest/49"
MW050- .... 067-J- .... Landrover Discovery ....
Light Olive, black interior, cherry windows, sawblade wheels, "Bighom Forest/50"
MW071- .... 071-N- .... Jeep Willy's ....
Met. Light Blue, gray interior, oval wheels, "71"
MW072- .... 072-V- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser Cabrio ....
Met. Burgundy, black interior, flower wheels, "72"
Hero City Medallion Models
MW027- .... 053-K- .... Police Car ....
Black, gray interior, sawblade wheels, "Highway Patrol/27" -- White Logo on hood
MW028- .... 059-M- .... Police Motorcycle w/Side Car ....
Lemon, blue seat, lemon side car, "Police" -- Black Logo on frame
MW029- .... 011-H- .... BMW 3 Series Police Car ....
Met. Dark Blue, amber windows, cherry dome, lace wheels, "Accident Investigation/29" -- White Logo on hood
MW030- .... 059-H- .... Camaro Police Pursuit ....
White, gray interior, red dome, lace wheels, "Emergency 911" -- Black Logo on hood
MW036- .... 036-J- .... Taxi Cab ....
Lemon, black interior, blue medallian, checker design, "TAXI/36" -- Black Logo on left side
MW037- .... 059-L- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser ....
White, blue windows, blue stripes, lace wheels, "Richie's Burgerama/37" -- Black Logo on left side
MW038- .... 058-K- .... International Armored Car ....
Lime, blue windows, pink pig design, sawblade wheels, "MHC Bank" -- Black Logo on left side
MW039- .... 032-I- .... Nissan Xterra W/Kayak ....
Dark Blue, red interior, red Kayak, sawblade wheels, "MHC Outfitters/39" -- Black Logo on rear left side
MW040- .... 023-J- .... Ford Explorer Sport Trac ....
Black, red interior, red cargo net, sawblade wheels, "Tune-up Auto Parts/40" -- White Logo on rear left side
MW042- .... 042-I- .... Ford F-Series Truck ....
White, blue windows, lemon raft, sawblade wheels, "MHC Beach Patrol" -- Black logo on rear left side
MW043- .... 061-N- .... Over-Under Rescue Boat ....
Red deck, blue base, red tower, yellow stripes, "Matchbox Beach Patrol" -- White Logo on rear left side
MW044- .... 068-Q- .... Police Car ....
Red deck, white base, white engine, gray canopy, "MHC Beach Patrol" -- Black Logo on rear left side
MW045- .... 045-G- .... VW Beetle 4x4 ....
Lemon, red dome, cast hood, oval wheels, "MHC Beach Patrol" -- Black Logo on Hood
MW047- .... 068-O- .... Airlift Helicopter ....
Met. Gold, cherry windows, red propeller, green skis, "Raccoon Forest" -- White Logo on windshield
MW048- .... 048-K- .... Fire Tanker ....
White, no interior, blue tanker, cast pipe, fish design, sawblade wheels, "48" -- Black Logo on hood
MW050- .... 067-J- .... Landrover Discovery ....
Light Olive, black interior, cherry windows, sawblade wheels, "Bighom Forest/50" -- White logo on rear left side
MW071- .... 071-N- .... Jeep Willy's ....
Met. Light Blue, gray interior, oval wheels, "71" -- Black Logo on left side
MW072- .... 072-V- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser Cabrio ....
Met. Burgundy, black interior, flower wheels, "72" -- White Logo on left door

038-L- .... Mission Ford Panel Van .... White, blue foggy windows, blue bar dome, Lady Liberty/US Flag,
"USA Police/Liberty Squad"
050-L- .... Ford Expedition Police .... Dark Blue, white interior, amber dome, US Flag style design, "Police/USA"
063-O- .... Copter/Rescue Chopper .... Met. Blue, clear windows, gray tail/skis, "Police Dept. U*S*A"

001-I- .... Highway Rescue Fire Truck .... Met. Red, no interior, blue windows, US Flag design, "Fire Dept. USA"
027-G- .... Fire Saver/Ladder Truck .... White, Cherry windows, red ladder, 4 dot domed wheels, "Fire Dept. USA"
056-N- .... Bucket Fire Truck .... Met. Burgundy, white interior, yellow interior, yellow liberty bell,
"Liberty Squad/Fire Company/U*S*A"
024-K- .... Chevy Van ....
Red, black interior, Coke bottle on sides, lace wheels, "Coca Cola"
052-B- .... Police Launch ....
Red deck, white base, black policemen, "Coca Cola"
063-J- .... Ford Falcon ....
White, green interior, white spoiler, flower wheels, "Coca Cola"
066-I- .... 1997 MGF ....
Black, red interior, clear windows, flower wheels, "Coca Cola"
066-L- .... Mercedes Benz S500 ....
Lemon, white interior, lace wheels, "Coca Cola"
071-H- .... Mustang Cobra ....
Silver, red interior, black boot, Polar Bear design, lace wheels, "Coca Cola"
072-U- .... VW Microbus Concept ....
White/Bronze, chrome windows, hero city logo, lace wheels, "2004 Pre-Toy Fair/Hero City"
CODE-2 models
009-I- .... BMW Z8 ....
Silver, red interior, MCCD logo on hood, lace wheels, "7. Treffen MCCD in BREFEMEN"
Color Comp Releases
001-F- .... Dodge Viper RT10 ....
Red, black interior, gold spiral wheels, "Robert Was Born"
001-F- .... Dodge Viper RT10 ....
Yellow, black interior, concave star wheels, "Robert Was Born"
001-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
White, black interior, blue wave design on side, "CCi On Site Demo Model"
002-I- .... Camaro Convertible ....
Black, tan interior, rubber tires, "East Coast Camaro Gathering VII"
002-I- .... Camaro Convertible ....
Unpainted, tan interior, rubber tires, "East Coast Camaro Gathering VII"
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
Red, black interior, "Congratulations and Happy Birthday Corvette for the First Half Century"
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
Yellow, black interior, checker design, "Congratulations and Happy Birthday for the First Half Century"
017-C- .... London Bus ....
Red, white interior, black train engine on roof, "Kiddie Kar Kollectibles/Take a Ride to Reading, PA"
017-C- .... London Bus ....
Red, white interior, blue train engine on roof, "Kiddie Kar Kollectibles/Take a Ride to Reading, PA"
017-I- .... 1999 Mustang Hard Top ....
Black, gray interior, "96.5 TIC-FM"
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Purple, black interior, "Purple Penguin Ice Cream & More"
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Lemon, black interior, "CCi On Site Demo Model"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black chassis, "10th Annual Dusty Lobb Golf Tournament"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black chassis, "Great Strides/Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/2003"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black chassis, "Daily Grind Fresh Roasted Coffee"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black chassis, "Kaitlyn Mariem/Addition by Amy & Mark McPeak""
046-J- .... 1955 Chevy Bellair Convertible ....
Pale Yellow, lace wheels, "Got Lemons" - Across America California Car
046-J- .... 1955 Chevy Bellair Convertible ....
Pale Yellow, lace wheels, "Make Lemonade" - Across America California Car
051-K- .... Ambulance ....
White, red bar dome, "Kingston General Hospital/Cardiac Care/Thanks from Bill Cairns"
051-K- .... Ambulance ....
White, red bar dome, "Napanee Fire Rescue"
054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White, red dome, "Gerard Vincent/Police"
054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White, blue dome, "Frederick County Sheriff"
054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White, red dome, "MJ Patrol"
056-I- .... Isuzu Rodeo ....
Yellow, black luggage, red design on side, "MBUSA Toy Show June 15, 2003" -- Using 2000 Logo models
056-I- .... Isuzu Rodeo ....
Yellow, black luggage, green interior, "MBUSA Toy Show June 15, 2003" -- Using Across America Arozina models
058-K- .... Armored Car ....
White, sawblade wheels, blue lettered "22nd Matchbox USA Convention & Toy Show/Toy Show Security/CCi"
058-K- .... Armored Car ....
White, sawblade wheels, orange lettered "22nd Matchbox USA Convention & Toy Show/Toy Show Security/CCi"
058-K- .... Armored Car ....
White, sawblade wheels, "MJ Providing Professional Engineering Services Since 1979"
059-L- .... Chrysler PT Cruiser ....
Blue, black interior, flower wheels, "Evangelical Congregational Church/Vision Voice"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, palm tree design, "In Memory of Turkey"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, blue Roof, "VW Model Club"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, green Roof, "VW Model Club"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, UK Flag on sides, flower wheels, "N.S.V.A/National Street Van Association/Committee Van"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, UK Flag on sides, flower wheels, "N.S.V.A/National Street Van Association/30th Anniversary Van"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, UK Flag on sides, flower wheels, "N.S.V.A/National Street Van Association/Club Van"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, flower wheels, "D.B.G"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, flower wheels, "21st Annual Fayetteville Dogwood Festival" "
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, concave star wheels, "Matchbox USA Convention & Toy Show Flamed by Midwest Diecast Miniatures"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, flower wheels, "Matchbox USA Convention & Toy Show Flamed by Midwest Diecast Miniatures"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, flower wheels, "Mechanisburg Chamber of Commerce/75th Annual Jubilee Day"
075-G- .... Ferrari F50 ....
Lemon, black interior, "CCi On Site Demo Model"
075-J- .... Golf Cart ....
White, black bars, "Save the Date Philadelphia Flyers Celebrity Golf Classic"
075-J- .... Golf Cart ....
White, black bars, "Together for Tyler Memorial Tournament"
075-J- .... Golf Cart ....
White, black bars, "MJ Engineering & Land Surveying"
076-D- .... International Fire Flooder ....
Red, red dome, "Hancock MD Vol. Fire Dept."
081-K- .... VW Concept Cabrio ....
Blue, tan interior, concave star wheels, "Matchbox USA Toy Show/June 15th 2003"
081-K- .... VW Concept Cabrio ....
White, light brown interior, concave star wheels, "Matchbox USA Toy Show/June 15th 2003"
084-A- .... Ford Focus ....
Bronze, black interior, concave star wheels, "Matchbox USA Convention/June 14th, 2003"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, black chassis, "Racing for Patrick Wells"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, black chassis, "MJ Engineering Land Surveying"
ASAP Releases
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
White, black interior, transparent roof, lace wheels, "2003 Bud Cruise-In"
023-G- .... Volvo Container Truck ....
White, white container, "Ulbrich/On Time Every Time"
051-K- .... Ambulance ....
White, foggy windows, red bar dome, 8 dot wheels, "Ebenzer Fire Dept/Fire Rescue"
051-K- .... Ambulance ....
White, foggy windows, red bar dome, 8 dot wheels, "CH/Children Hospital of Philadelphia"
074-J- .... Formula 1 ....
White, black interior, black airfoil, "Zip2 Fast Path to Internet Success"
009-I- .... BMW Z8 .... Mustard, gray interior, lace wheels
066-O- .... Limousine .... Met. Burgundy, blue interior, lace wheels
071-H- .... Jaguary XK8 .... Met. Blue, black interior, lace wheels
072-R- .... Porsche 911 Carrera .... Met. Silver, red interior, lace wheels
083-A- .... BMW 3-Series .... White, black interior, lace wheels
FIVE PACK # 4 (Construction)
009-H- .... Earth Mover .... Neon Orange, silver gray dump, plain grill, Rhino head, "MC 18"
019-D- .... Peterbilt Cement Truck .... Navy, gray barrel, Rhino head, sawblade wheels, "MC 05"
032-D- .... Excavator .... Navy, orange base, lime arm, Rhino head, "MC 21"
048-J- .... Delivery Truck .... Neon Lime, blue foggy windows, black container, Rhino head, "MC 09"
065-G- .... Ford F150 Pickup 4x4 .... Neon Lime, black interior, black roll bars, Rhino head, oval wheels
Nothing to report yet.
039-I- .... 1969 Camaro ....
Powder Blue, black interior, rubber tires, "Thirst Knows No Season/Coca Cola"
056-K- .... Mercedes A Class ....
Lemon/white, green interior, rubber tires, "Pause Refresh Yourself"
064-I- .... VW Transporter ....
Orange/Red, white interior, Coke bottle on sides, rubber tires, "Drink Coca Cola"
070-H- .... Pontiac GTO Judge ....
Red, black interior, white roof, rubber tires, "Enjoy Coca Cola"
502-A- .... 1960 MGA Convertible ....
Black, white interior, rubber tires, "Ice Cold Coca Cola"
558-A- .... 1961 Dodge Dart Phoenix ....
White/Green, red interior, rubber tires, "Things Go Better with Coke/Ice Cold"
023-H- .... Ford Box Van ....
Red, smoke windows, white roof, rubber tires, "Coca Cola" -- 1990 Collection
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White/Yellow, brown interior, red stripes "Drink Coca Cola" -- 1960 Collection
338-A- .... Dodge Airflow ....
White, brown interior, black roof/hood, rubber tires, "Drink Coca Cola in Bottles" -- 1930 Collection