March 2003 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month.
Remember I update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list
will be updated as I get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the
tradition of last year I am starting to list the "MW-???" code that shows the
number that the model is released under in the year 2003. The next code is the
catalog listing. For the last two years I started linking some models with their
pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model. Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and
post it on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to post good pictures.
I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come back and visit previous months to view the models.
Or you may bookmark my Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
Nothing to report this month.
Nothing to Report this month
Hero City Medallion Models
MW006- .... 006-J- .... Opel Speeder ....
Met Silver, red interior, lace wheels -- black logo on left door
MW016- .... 016-H- .... Car Carrier ....
Orange, blue windows, gray ramp, "16" -- yellow logo on left side of ramp
MW041- .... 041-N- .... Sea Rescue Helicopter ....
White, red base, red/blue dotted lines, "41" -- blue logo on rear left side
MW046- .... 046-K- .... Beach Buggy 4x4 ....
Met Green, lemon interior, black grill, oval wheels, "46" -- white logo on left side
MW074- .... 074-N- .... Opel Frogster ....
Met Green, red interior, lace wheels, "Frogster/74" -- red logo on left door
CODE-2 models
009-I- .... BMW Z8 ....
Silver, red interior, "Seit 1919 Harro Fabbinder Spielwaren Dobeln" - Done for German market.
023-H- .... Ford Box Van ....
Red, red interior, clear windows, "Budejovicky Budvar/Matchbox Collectors Club Czechoslovakia/MCCCS 2002"
040-I- .... FJ Holden Panel Van ....
Powder Blue, black interior, "Australian News/10th Birthday/2002"
338-A- .... 1938 Dodge Airflow ....
Red, santa clause design, rubber gold wheels, "Australian News/Merry Christmas 2002"
338-A- .... 1938 Dodge Airflow ....
Yellow, santa clause design, rubber gold wheels, "Australian News/Merry Christmas 2002"
The above 3 models are released to Australian Matchbox News club in December 2002.
Color Comp Releases
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Yellow, black interior, "2003 Line Preview Visitors/CCi"
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Yellow, black interior, "Helen C. Pierce School 77 Alumni/Class of 77 turns 40"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, "Credit Union"
038-H- .... Mission Ford Panel Van ....
White, gray ladder, "Manroe Heating & Chimney"
049-I- .... VW Concept Beetle ....
Orange, black roof, US Flag, "Space Shuttle Columbia STS 107/In Memory of the Crew"
049-I- .... VW Concept Beetle ....
White, US Flag, "Space Shuttle Columbia STS 107/In Memory of the Crew"
049-I- .... VW Concept Beetle ....
Yellow, black roof, US Flag, "Space Shuttle Columbia STS 107/In Memory of the Crew"
049-I- .... VW Concept Beetle ....
Yellow, US Flag, "Space Shuttle Columbia STS 107/In Memory of the Crew"
055-L- .... Porsche Boxster ....
Silver, black interior, 5 spoke concave star wheels, "MIS/Medical Imaging Systems"
055-L- .... Porsche Boxster ....
Silver, black interior, 5 spoke star concave star wheels, "MIS/Medical Imaging Systems"
055-L- .... Porsche Boxster ....
Silver, brown interior, 5 spoke concave star wheels, "MIS/Medical Imaging Systems"
055-L- .... Porsche Boxster ....
Silver, brown interior, 5 spoke star concave star wheels, "MIS/Medical Imaging Systems"
068-M- .... 1998 Jeep Wrangler ....
White, black interior, blue stipes, "Troop 1"
069-H- .... 1968 Mustang Cobra Jet ....
Brown, tan/black interior, rubber tires, "S.E.R./Satisfaction Efficiency Reliability"
070-K- .... Chevy SSR ....
Blue, black interior, lace wheels, "3rd Northern NJ Toy Show"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, gray windows, black roof, "Nemer VW Part Express Service"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, gold roof, "Matchbox Series 1953-2003 The Real Birthday"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, green roof, "Matchbox Series 1953-2003 The Real Birthday"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, red roof, "Matchbox Series 1953-2003 The Real Birthday"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, black chassis, rubber tires, "48th West Virginia Black Walnut Festival"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, black chassis, rubber tires, Mount Rushmore design, "February 2003/CCi"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, black chassis, rubber tires, "Shahan Turns 40/Happy Birthday"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, black chassis, rubber tires, "Cooper Design Build Project Management"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, black chassis, rubber tires, "Credit Union Direct Lending"
CY039- .... Ford Aeromax Box Truck ....
Blue cab, blue container, rubber tires, "Go Go Go Pacifico/75 Year Anniversary"
ASAP Releases
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
White, black interior, clear roof, lace wheels, "Huskers"
012-H- .... Mercedes Benz 500SL ....
Silver, black interior, "AFLAC"
023-G- .... Volvo Container Truck ....
White, white container, "MSC Industrial Supply"
033-G- .... Utility Truck ....
White, white trolly, sawblade wheels, "Wester Energy"
049-I- .... VW Concept Beetle ....
White, turquoise interior, turquoise stripes, "Huskers" (note: turquoise stripes)
051-K- .... Ambulance ....
White, 8 dot wheels, "Lowes Home Safety" (may be a 2001 release)
Five Pack # 3 (Military)
041-M- .... Radar Jet .... Black, blue radar, yellow world globe design
047-G- .... M2 Bradley Tank .... Black, black gun, gray rollers
047-H- .... Armored Police Truck .... Red, white interior, yellow windows, black canopy, oval wheels
068-O- .... Air-Lift Helicopter .... Black, gray windows, blue skis, "+"
072-G- .... Plane Transporter .... Black, blue world globe design, lemon plastic plane, sawblade wheels
Camp Fun 3-Pack

025-K- .... 1998 Jeep Wrangler .... Met Blue, blue interior, neon lime luggage, sawblade wheels
062-L- .... Pop Up Camper .... Neon Red, neon yellow roof, dot dash wheels
092-A- .... Sand Speeder .... Neon Orange, neon lime frame, sawblade wheels
034-I- .... 1933 Ford Street Rod ....
Blue, two tone blue flames, rubber tires, "Ford Motor Corporation/100"
044-H- .... 1921 Model T Ford ....
Blue, white roof, "Ford Motor Corporation/100"
048-H- .... 1956 Ford Pickup ....
Blue, white roof, rubber tires, "Ford Motor Corporation/100"
067-H- .... Ford Expedition ....
Blue, black/gray interior, rubber tires, "Ford Motor Corporation/100"
072-P- .... 1965 Mustang GT ....
Blue, white stripes, rubber tires, "Ford Motor Corporation/100"
084-A- .... Ford Focus ....
Blue, black roof, rubber tires, "Ford Motor Corporation/100"