March 2004 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month.
Remember I update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list
will be updated as I get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the
tradition of last couple of years I am listing the "MW-???" code that shows the
number that the model is released under in the year 2004. The next code is the
"Catalog listing." The last set of codes is a new item, the "MAN number." This is a unique number
that can help identify the models easily. Feel free to click at the
link and see the model. Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and
post it on the web but I will try my best to post good quality pictures.
I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come back and visit previous months to view the models.
Or you may bookmark my Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW018- .... 018-D- .... MB638 .... Mixopotamus ....
Gray, no interior, cherry windows, lemon mixer, crown dot gold wheels
MW028- .... 028-O- .... MB639 .... Hot Head/Halmet Fire Truck ....
Red, blue dome, chrome halmet, crown dot gold wheels
MW033- .... 033-K- .... MB613 .... Fire Quencher ....
Black, white, interior, red arm, crown dot wheels
MW041 .... 041-O- .... MB600 .... Checker Cab ....
Iridescent White, gray interior, blue windows, lace wheels, "Hero City Taxi"
MW043 .... 036-J- .... MB577 .... Taxi Cab ....
Yellow-Orange, black interior, black/white checker stripes, "N.Y.C. Taxi/Checker Special"
MW043 .... 036-J- .... MB577 .... Taxi Cab ....
Iridescent White, gray interior, blue windows, flower wheels, "Hero City Taxi"
MW044 .... 031-P- .... MB578 .... 1962 VW Beetle ....
Met. Red, white interior, orange windows, lace wheels, "Hero City"
MW046 .... 046-L- .... MB598 .... Ambulance ....
Red, blue windows, white roof, 4 dot domed wheels, "Ambulance"
MW047 .... 023-J- .... MB485 .... Ford Explorer Sport Trac ....
Steel Blue, cherry windows, sawblade wheels, "Hero City"
MW048 .... 063-O- .... MB541 .... Copter/Rescue Chopper ....
Charcoal, orange windows, red interior, "Hero City"
MW049 .... 027-H- .... MB545 .... Ford Falcon Police Car ....
Iridescent White, white interior, cherry windows, lace wheels, "Hero City"
MW050 .... 050-E- .... MB129 .... Chevy Blazer ....
Met.Burgundy, white interior, blue windows, oval wheels, "Ambulance"
Nothing to Repor this month.
Nothing to report this month.
050-J- .... MB326 .... Ford F150 ....
Pea Green, brown interior, "Rapa Nui" -- Comes either with Lime trailer or with Purple trailer
CODE-1 Models
036-I- .... MB492 .... Road Roller ....
Neon Lemon, blue interior, blue bars, gray wheels -- From Children Books - Roll It!"
CODE-2 Models
Nothing to report this month.
Color Comp Releases
001-G- .... MB276 .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
Silver, tan interior, "Troop 1 Flea Market/2004"
001-G- .... MB276 .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
Lemon, black interior, "Troop 1 Flea Market/2004"
001-G- .... MB276 .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
White, black interior, "Troop 1 Flea Market/2004"
010-F- .... MB260 .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
White, black interior, "Troop 1 Flea Market/2004"
023-H- .... MB371 .... Ford Box Van ....
White, clear windows, "New Home for the Holidays/CCi"
034-G- .... MB280 .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Purple, black interior, "It's a Boy/Jason S. Fuller"
038-E- .... MB038 .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, xmas decoration, "Mom, Me & Matchbox/Holiday Greetings"
038-E- .... MB038 .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, clear windows, green tractor design, "Blue Ridge Antique Power Association"
038-E- .... MB038 .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, black windows, green tractor design, "Blue Ridge Antique Power Association"
038-L- .... MB444 .... Mission Ford Van ....
White, black windows, gray ladder, "Comcast/Comcast Digital Cable"
038-L- .... MB444 .... Mission Ford Van ....
White, black windows, no ladder, pink sides, "11th Van Toy Convention"
038-L- .... MB444 .... Mission Ford Van ....
White, black windows, no ladder, blue sides, "11th Van Toy Convention/Race Winner"
054-K- .... MB304 .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White, black interior, red dome, "Bowmac Police"
064-I- .... MB390 .... VW Transporter ....
Green/Yellow, white interior, "Happy Holidays/Toy Van Collector"
ASAP Releases
032-D- .... MB032 .... Excavator ....
Yellow-Orange, yellow-orange shove, black arm, "Rockester-Syracause Auto Auction"
054-K- .... MB304 .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White, black interior, red dome, "MA-COM"
060-K- .... MB416 .... Copter/Rescue Helicopter ....
White, blue windows, red nose, "Citrix Technical Support"
Five Pack (# 04 Airport)

011-J- .... MB572 .... Emergency Response 4x4 .... Met. Silver, gray interior, amber windows, "Hanger Team"
041-M- .... MB497 .... Radar Jet .... Met. Navy, orange windows, orange radar, "Jet"
042-F- .... MB408 .... Sea Plane .... White, black windows, red wings, "H2O Alarm"
066-M- .... MB523 .... Weather Radar Truck .... Orange, gray interior, red radar, "Radar"
067-H- .... MB360 .... Ford Expedition .... Met. Gold, cherry windows, lace wheels, "Hanger Team"
Launcher Set (5-Alarm)

027-H- .... MB545 .... Ford Falcon Police Car .... Dk. Blue, silver-gray interior, lace wheels
048-L- .... MB506 .... Hummer .... Iridescent White, blue windows, orange plastic canopy
056-N- .... MB540 .... Bucket Fire Truck .... Met. Bronze, black interior, red windows, "Alarm"
067-K- .... MB564 .... All-Terrain Fire Tanker .... Met. Silver, black interior, sawblade wheels, "H2O"
477-A- .... MB477 .... 2000 Chevy Suburban .... Met. Bronze, white interior, blue/white stipes, "Team 04"
Nothing to report this month.
Nothing to report this month.
Nothing to report.