May 2002 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month.
Remember I update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list
will be updated as I get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the
tradition of last year I am starting to list the "MW-???" code that shows the
number that the model is released under in
the year 2002. The next code is the
catalog listing. For the last two years I started linking some models with their
pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model. Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and
post it on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to
post good pictures. I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come
back and visit previous months to view the models. Or you may bookmark my
Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW007- .... 059-H- .... Camaro Police Pursuit .... Met. Silver, white interior, brown dog on sides, "Take a Bike out of Crime"
MW019- .... 037-L- .... Dirt Machine Bulldozer ....
Blue, gray engine, lemon shovel, black tread
MW021- .... 050-J- .... Ford F-150 .... Met. Pea Green, brown surfer, lace wheels, "H2O Surfboards"
MW022- .... 070-J- .... Chevy Silverado Pickup 4x4 .... Purple, snowflakes design, oval wheels, "Team Quantum"
MW023- .... 072-O- .... Chevy K1500 .... Dark Green, water wave design, oval wheels, "River out Fitters"
MW024- .... 023-J- .... Ford Explorer Sport Trac .... White, blue interior, red cargo net, "Huskies/Dog Sled Team"
MW025- .... 027-G- .... Fire Saver .... Met. Bronze, red ladder, blue/white water splash, "Fire Rescue/Super Splash"
MW027- .... 076-D- .... Fire Flooder .... Met. Red, blue dome, black/yellow design, sawblade wheels, "Fire Hunter"
MW028- .... 067-H- .... Ford Expedition .... Met. Silver, purple interior, lace wheels, "RR/Road Rescue/Fire Patrol" -- Logo on the hood
MW057- .... 057-K- .... Garbage Truck ....
Black, black/gray dump, orange arms, 4 dot domed wheels
MW068- .... 006-I- .... Snow Doctor/Arctic Truck ....
Bronze, blue plastic canopy, orange/white stripes
MW005- .... 055-L- .... Prosche Boxster .... Yellow body, black interior, lace wheels
MW007- .... 059-H- .... Camaro Police Pursuit .... Met. Silver, white interior, brown dog on sides, "Take a Bike out of Crime"
MW008- .... 070-I- .... Mercedes Benz E Class .... Met. Blue, gray interior, lace wheels, "Mercedes Benz"
MW014- .... 063-E- .... Snorkel Fire Truck ....
Neon Yellow, blue interior, white trolly, "Metro Alarm"
MW015- .... 076-D- .... Fire Flooder ....
White/Neon Orange, Cherry dome, "Feuerwehr"
MW016- .... 021-I- .... Ford Transit Police ....
White/Blue, blue bar dome, flower wheels, "Polis"
MW065- .... 065-L- .... Ferrari 360 Spider ....
Red, clear windows, lace wheels, "Ferrari"
German/Canada Coke Miniature Models
Coke-1 .... 046-H- .... Chevy Tahoe ....
Yellow, red interior, flower wheels, "Coca Cola"
Coke-2 .... 066-I- .... MGF .... Red, gray interior, lace wheels -- (same as last years)
Coke-3 .... 081-A- .... VW Concept Beetle Convertible ....
Silver, red interior, flower wheels, "Coca Cola"
Coke-4 .... 036-F- .... Ford Mustang Convertible ....
White, red interior, flower wheels, "Coca Cola"
Coke-5 .... 008-F- .... Scania T-142 ....
Red, yellow chassis, gray exhausts, sawblade wheels, "Coca Cola"
Coke-6 .... 004-E- .... London Taxi ....
White, black interior, "Coca Cola"
Coke-7 .... 015-K- .... Ford Transit ....
Met. Silver, red interior, lace wheels, "Coca Cola"
Coke-8 .... 063-J- .... Ford Falcon ....
White, red interior, flower wheels, "Coca Cola"
Coke-9 .... 061-J- .... Ford Falcon ....
Green, red interior, lace wheels, "Coca Cola"
Coke-10 .... 023-H- .... Ford Van ....
Red, red interior, lace wheels, "Coca Cola"
50th Birthday Medallion Models
MW007- .... 059-H- .... Camaro Police Pursuit .... Met. Silver, white interior, brown dog on sides, "Take a Bike out of Crime" -- Logo on the hood
MW014- .... 068-Q- .... Sea Speeder ....
Met. Silver deck, blue base, red canopy, "Sea Police" -- Logo on rear RHS
MW021- .... 050-J- .... Ford F-150 .... Met. Pea Green, brown surfer, lace wheels, "H2O Surfboards" -- Logo on Hood
MW021- .... 031-J- .... Jaguar XJ220 ....
Met. Green, black interior, flower wheels -- (ROW) Logo on Hood
MW022- .... 068-J- .... Prosche 911 GT1 ....
White, blue design on sides, flower wheels, "Porsche" -- (ROW) Logo on hood
MW022- .... 070-J- .... Chevy Silverado Pickup 4x4 .... Purple, snowflakes design, oval wheels, "Team Quantum" -- Logo on the hood
MW023- .... 072-O- .... Chevy K1500 .... Dark Green, water wave design, oval wheels, "River out Fitters" -- Logo on the hood
MW023- .... 022-H- .... Lamborghini Diablo ....
Red, silver gray interior, flower wheels, "Lamborghini" -- (ROW) Logo on Hood
MW024- .... 023-J- .... Ford Explorer Sport Trac .... White, blue interior, red cargo net, "Huskies/Dog Sled Team" -- Logo on the hood
MW024- .... 069-J- .... Lotus Elise ....
Met. Silver, blue dome, flower wheels, "Police" -- (ROW) Logo on hood
MW025- .... 054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White, blue interior, lace wheels, "Police" -- (ROW) Logo on trunk
MW026- .... 068-N- .... Mercedes Benz E430 ....
Bright Blue, black interior, lace wheels, -- (ROW) Logo on trunk
MW026- .... 042-H- .... Ambulance .... Met. Gold, gray interior, orange/brown/white stripes, "U/Ultra Med-Alert" -- Logo on Hood
MW025- .... 027-G- .... Fire Saver .... Met. Bronze, red ladder, blue/white water splash, "Fire Rescue/Super Splash" -- Logo on rear LHS
MW027- .... 051-O- .... Ford Falcon Police Car ....
White, blue interior, blue bar light, "Police" -- (ROW) Logo on hood
MW028- .... 067-H- .... Ford Expedition .... Met. Silver, purple interior, lace wheels, "RR/Road Rescue/Fire Patrol" -- Logo on the hood
MW028- .... 011-H- .... BMW 328i ....
Dark Green, amber dome, lace wheels, "Polizei/Metro Patrol" -- (ROW) Logo on roof
MW057- .... 057-K- .... Garbage Truck ....
Black, black/gray dump, orange arms, 4 dot domed wheels -- Logo on roof
MW068- .... 006-I- .... Snow Doctor/Arctic Truck ....
Bronze, blue plastic canopy, orange/white stripes -- Logo on roof
004-E- .... London Taxi ....
Yellow, black interior, birthday design -- ROW Birthday Model
027-G- .... Fire Saver ....
White, red ladder, birthday balloons design -- ROW Birthday Model
034-J- .... 2000 Chevy Impala ....
White, amber dome, lace wheels, "Virginia"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, red roof, birthday design -- ROW Birthday Model
045-E- .... Highway Maintanance Truck ....
Navy, orange dumper, sawblade wheels, "North Dakota"
050-L- .... Ford Expidition ....
White, orange sides, orange dome, "New Mexico"
053-I- .... 1962 VW Beetle ....
Neon lime, orange windows, lace wheels, birthday design -- ROW Birthday Model
059-J- .... Rapids Raft ....
White, lemon base, white trailer, "Louisiana"
067-G- .... Ikarus Coach ....
Blue, blue interior, purple roof, "New Jersey"
CODE-2 models
Color Comp Releases
001-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
White, black interior, "Trigen/Smart Energy.Smart Solution"
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
Red, black interior, "Marvin and Ferro Attorney at Law"
030-I- .... Chevy Tahoe Police ....
Black, red dome, "Illinois Matchbox Collectors Club"
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Yellow, two tone red flames, "Midwest DieCast Miniatures/2001 Customer Appreciation"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, "20th Annual Fayettesville Dogwood Festival"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, "Pappy's Aircraft Parts Co."
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, "Richard Jewelery/Old Town Winchester"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White, black roof, "D.A.Y.T.O.N Farmers Market"
038-L- .... Mission Ford Van ....
White, black interior, "Austermuhl & Ward/Puron/Bryant"
038-L- .... Mission Ford Van ....
White, black interior, "Kerry Pacifico's Ford"
054-K- .... Ford Crown Victoria ....
White, black interior, plain roof, "Grose Pointe Park Police"
054-K- .... Ford Crown Victoria ....
White, black interior, "174" on roof, "Grose Pointe Park Police"
054-K- .... Ford Crown Victoria ....
White, black interior, "Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Great Stride"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, black interior, "Franklin Pierce College/Graduation Day/19 May 2002"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, black interior, "Mambo Life Style"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, black interior, "JMB"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, black interior, "Nemer Volkswagen/It's the Genuine VW Parts that Counts"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White, clear windows, "Billy's Classic Toys & Collectible"
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
Lavender, pearly white fenders, "Just Married/Our Wedding Day/Misse Billy"
ASAP Releases
022-H- .... Lamborghini Diablo .... Red, black interior, "Zurich Small Business/Rally 2002"
043-I- .... Camaro Z28 ....
Black, white interior, "Z/Zurich Small Business/Rally 2002"
054-H- .... Chevy Lumina ....
White, red interior, "Z/Zurich Small Business/Rally 2002"
011-H- .... BMW 328i .... Blue, white interior, amber dome, lace wheels, "Mission H2O/Metro Police"
031-M- .... VW Beetle 4x4 .... White, red interior, blue dome, oval wheels, "Mission H2O"
052-B- .... Police Launch .... Blue deck, black plicemen, "Mission H2O"
068-M- .... Jeep Wrangler .... Orange, white interior, black frame, sawblade wheels, "Mission H2O"
460-A- .... 1999 Ford Mustang .... Black, amber dome, blue wave design, "Mission H2O"

008-K- .... 1999 Ford Mustang .... Blue, black interior, cherry dome, "MBPD/Police"
047-G- .... M2 Bradley Tank .... Sand, brown base, US Flag on the side
051-K- .... Ambulance .... White, chrome base, red bar dome, "Rescue EMT/Ambulance"
057-H- .... Auxiliary Fire Truck .... Red, white canopy, blue bar dome, "MBFD/Heavy Rescue"
004-G- .... Audi TT Roadster Convertible .... White, red interior, "Coca Cola/Unbeatable Unforgetable"
010-F- .... Dodge Viper RT10 .... Black, red interior, "Coca Cola/Can't Beat the Thing/Delicsious Refreshing"
025-J- .... BMW Z3 .... Red, black/white interior, thick black stripe on hood/trunk, "Coca Coal/Enjoy the Real thing"
036-F- .... 1999 Mustang Convertible .... Red, white interior, "Coca Cola Ice Cold/The Real Thing"
066-I- .... 1997 MGF .... Charcoal, red interior, "Coca Cola/Ice Cold/The Real Thing"
081-A- .... VW Concept Beetle Cabrio .... Red, white interior, "Coca Cola/Catch the Wave/Coke Adds Life...."