November 2001 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month. Remember I
update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list will be updated as I
get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the tradition of last year I am starting
to list the "MW-???" code that shows the number that the model is released under in
the year 2001. The next code is the catalog listing. For the last two years I started
linking some models with their pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model.
Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and post it
on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to
post good pictures. I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come
back and visit previous months to view the models. Or you may bookmark my
Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW061- .... 061-J- .... Over Under Rescue Boat .... White Deck, purple base, "Rescue"
MW062- .... 062-M- .... Hovercraft Rescue .... Red body, yellow plastic gun, "Rescue"
MW063- .... 063-M- .... Airboat .... Red body, white plastic base, black propeller
MW064- .... 045-F- .... Submersible .... White body, amber windows, airship design
MW065- .... 059-J- .... Rapids Raft .... Turquoise body, gray trailer, SCUBA Rescue"
MW051- .... 004-F- .... 1997 Corvette .... Yellow body, black/white checkers, lace wheels --- UK
MW053- .... 075-G- .... Ferrari F50 .... Dark green body, black inteior, lace wheels ---- UK
MW053- .... 010-F- .... Dodge Viper RT10 .... Red body, yellow interior, gold lace wheels --- UK
MW054- .... 007-F- .... Porsche 959 .... Silver body, black interior, lace wheels --- UK
MW055- .... 022-H- .... Lamborghini Diablo .... Purple body, gray interior, flower wheels ---- UK
MW061- .... 035-F- .... Landrover Ninety ....
Black body, green roof, sawblade wheels --- UK
MW062- .... 031-M- .... Landrover Ninety ....
Red body, yellow dome, "4x4 Off Road Rally" --- UK
MW063- .... 030-F- .... Mercedes G. Wagon ....
Metallic Red body, amber dome, "mtn Rescue" --- UK
MW064- .... 048-?- .... Hummer ....
Silver body, blue/green checkers, "Police" --- UK
MW065- .... 056-I- .... Isuzu Rodeo ....
Dark Blue body, black luggage, sawblade wheels --- UK
CODE-2 models
Color Comp Releases
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White body, black roof, "Mountain State Festival"
038-E- .... Model A Ford ....
White body, black roof, "Black Walnut Festival"
042-D- .... 1957 Ford Thunderbird ....
Red body, Patsy's picture on trunk, "Always Patsy"
049-I- .... VW Concept Beetle ....
Black body, ""
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White body, "Indian Automotive/VW Specialist"
076-D- .... Fire Flooder .... Red body, "Reynold's Volunteer Fire Dept."
076-D- .... Fire Flooder ....
Red body, "C.D.V.F.A."
215-A- .... Chevy Panel Van ....
White body, red design on sides, "DieCast Illustrated"
ASAP Releases
023-G- .... Volvo Container Truck ....
White body, "Special People"
054-H- .... Chevy Lumina ....
White body, red interior, "Cuttler-Hammer
075-G- .... Ferrai F50 .... Red body, black plastic base, "RPI"
016-G- .... School Bus .... Yellow body, green interior, "History"
023-H- .... Ford Van .... Red body, yellow windows, "ABC/XYZ"
024-K- .... Chevy Van .... Lime body, blue windows, science equipment design
032-I- .... Nissan Xterra .... White body, black interior, music notes design
054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car .... Blue body, cherry windows, "Math/5/2"

008-K- .... 1999 Ford Mustang .... Lemon body, blue window, lace wheels
015-K- .... Ford Transit .... Blue body, clear windows, flower wheels
021-K- .... Moby Quick Power Boat .... Cream body, cherry windows, white wheels
042-H- .... Ambulance .... Red body, blue windows, 4 dot wheels
086-A- .... Chevy Silverado Pickup .... Silver body, gray windwos, flower wheels
Nothing to Report

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