October 2002 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month.
Remember I update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list
will be updated as I get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the
tradition of last year I am starting to list the "MW-???" code that shows the
number that the model is released under in the year 2002. The next code is the
catalog listing. For the last two years I started linking some models with their
pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model. Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and
post it on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to post good pictures.
I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come back and visit previous months to view the models.
Or you may bookmark my Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW073- .... 073-L- .... Pontiac Piranha ....
Purple, gray interior, flower wheels, "Piranha"
50th Birthday Medallion Models
MW071- .... 026-J- .... Fire Flooder ....
metallic Silver, blue windows, red arm, sawblade wheels --- White logo on side of canopy
Masters of the Universe Series
047-H- .... Armored Police Truck ....
Matt Blue, black windows, gray canopy, rubber tires, "Stratos"
053-K- .... Police Car ....
Metallic Silver, red interior, amber dome, rubber tires, "HE-MAN"
066-O- .... Limousine ....
Metallic Purple, powder blue interior, rubber tires, "Skeletor"
082-A- .... Missile Launcher ....
Green, brown canopy, black wheels, "Man At Arms"
Pleasant Hill Books
036-D- .... Refuse Truck ....
Dark Green, smoke windows, black trigger, "Trash"
066-N- .... Weather Radar Truck ....
Red, white interior, gray radar, 4 dot wheels, "Storm School"
059-M- .... Police Motorcycle 3 Wheeler ....
Red, yellow seat, blue front cover, red side car, "Toyfair Police 2003" -- Pre Toyfair Model
064-I- .... VW Transporter ....
Green/Yellow, white interior, detailed trim, rubber tires
CODE-2 models
Color Comp Releases
001-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
White, black interior, red lettered "MRMC Toy Show Oct. 6, 2002"
001-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS ....
White, black interior, blue lettered "MRMC Toy Show Oct. 6, 2002"
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Yellow, black interior, "M.R.M.C Toy Show Vendor Appreciation/2002"
054-K- .... Ford Crown Victoria Police Car ....
White, black interior, red dome, "Illinios Matchbox Club Security/2002"
057-E- .... Carmichael Commando Vehicle ....
White, gray interior, "M.R.M.C. Celebrating 50 Years of Matchbox" -- Made in Bulgaria
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, black interior, black lettered "1st Annual Mambo Memorial/14-11-2001"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, black interior, gold lettered "1st Annual Mambo Memorial/14-11-2001"
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
White, black interior, lime lettered "1st Annual Mambo Memorial/14-11-2001"
075-J- .... Golf Cart ....
White, white interior, "9th Annual Dusty Lobb Golf Tournament"
ASAP Releases
004-F- .... 1997 Corvette ....
White, black interior, "USS"
010-F- .... Dodge Viper RT10 ....
Red, black interior, "USS"
010-F- .... Dodge Viper RT10 ....
Red, black interior, "VT Hokies"
017-I- .... 1999 Mustang Hardtop ....
Black, gray interior, "USS"
023-G- .... Volvo Container Truck ....
White, white container, "Resintech Inc. Ion Exchange Resins"
025-E- .... Pacific Ambulance ....
White, orange stripes, "Compuware We're here to Help!"
047-E- .... School Bus ....
Yellow, black interior, "On My Way to UVM"
047-E- .... School Bus ....
Yellow, black interior, "Bet-Cha Transit"
068-C- .... Chevrolet Van ....
White, Black, gray interior, "USS"
Launcher Set .... Car Transporter

009-I- .... BMW Z8 .... Bright Blue, gray interior, lace wheels
066-O- .... Limousine .... Charcoal, blue interior, lace wheels
071-I- .... Jaguar XK8 .... Metallic Silver, red interior, lace wheels
072-R- .... Porsche 911 Carrera .... Red, black interior, lace wheels
083-A- .... BMW 3-Series Coupe .... Metallic Gold, black interior, lace wheels
023-H- .... Ford Box Van ....
Black, clear windows, white sides, rubber tires, "Texaco Star of the American Road"
032-G- .... Chevy El Camino ....
Red, black interior, rubber tires, "Texaco Service You Can Trust"
043-K- .... Sea Rescue Boat ....
Brown/White deck, black hull, detailed trim, "Texaco Deep Sea"
044-H- .... Model T Ford ....
Red, black metal base, detailed trim, "Texaco Petroleum Products"
061-C- .... Peterbilt Wrecker Truck ....
Black, clear windows, chrome booms, rubber tires, "Peterbilt"
086-A- .... Chevy Silverado Pickup ....
Black, gray interior, detailed trim, rubber tires, "Star of the American Road"