September 2003 Matchbox Releases
As usual here is a list and a small description
(my own) of all the Matchbox models that are released so far in this month.
Remember I update this list only when I get the model in my collection. This list
will be updated as I get new models until then Happy Collecting. Continuing the
tradition of last year I am starting to list the "MW-???" code that shows the
number that the model is released under in the year 2003. The next code is the
catalog listing. For the last two years I started linking some models with their
pictures so feel free to click at the
link and see the model. Please remember I cannot get pictures of every single model and
post it on the web as I do have other things in life but I will try my best to post good pictures.
I may be a little slow in linking pictures so do come back and visit previous months to view the models.
Or you may bookmark my Picture Gallery and visit it often.
Now Enjoy the new Matcbox.
MW039- .... 032-I- .... Nissan Xterra ....
Dark Blue, red interior, red kayak, "MHC Outfitters"
MW040- .... 023-J- .... Ford Explorer Sport Track ....
Black, red interior, red cargo net, "Tuneup Auto Parts"
Nothing to Report.
Nothing to Report
021-L- .... Cadillac Escalade ....
White, orange interior, Rugrats design, "Nickelodeon" -- Nickelodeon Series
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler ....
Met. Blue, orange interior, Jimmy Neutron on sides, "Nickelodeon" -- Nickelodeon Series
040-I- .... Camaro SS369 ....
Red, orange interior, Rocket Power design, "Nickelodeon" -- Nickelodeon Series
046-J- .... 1955 Chevy Bellair Convertible ....
Purple, turquoise interior, "Patrick" -- Spongebob Series
053-I- .... 1962 VW Beetle ....
Lime, white interior, Spongebob design, "Nickelodeon" -- Spongebob Series
048-K- .... Fire Tanker ....
Red, lemon tanker, cast pipe, "Rescue Heroes" -- Rescue Heroe Series
054-K- .... Crown Victoria Police Car ....
Powder Blue, gray interior, red dome, "Rescue Heroes" -- Rescue Heroe Series
066-J- .... Landrover Freelander ....
Lemon, green interior, orange stripes, "Rescue Heroes" -- Rescue Heroe Series
072-S- .... VW Transporter ....
Blue, blue interior, orange windows, "Spongebob" -- Spongebob Series
053-K- .... Police Car ....
Black, black interior, blue dome, "Police Rescue"
069-K- .... Humvee ....
Yellow, black windows, white trunk cover, "Rescue Humvee"
075-K- .... Water Pumper ....
Red, amber dome, "Fire Rescue Engine 19"
080-A- .... Humvee ....
White, white interior, "Emergency Rescue"
CODE-2 models
044-H- .... Model T Ford ....
White, "Ladies Circle Great Britain & Ireland"
Color Comp Releases
025-D- .... Toyota Celica ....
Burgundy, blue interior, "Northwest Matchbox Collectors Club/1998-2003"
025-D- .... Toyota Celica ....
Burgundy, blue interior, "Northwest Matchbox Collectors Club/1998-2003/Tom Larson"
046-J- .... 1955 Chevy Bellair Convertible ....
Burgundy, white interior, "White River Hornets/Class of 1953/50 Year Reunion"
046-J- .... 1955 Chevy Bellair Convertible ....
Lt. Gold white interior, "White River Hornets/Class of 1953/50 Year Reunion"
051-K- .... Ambulance ....
Red, red bar dome, gold stripes, "Squantz Engine Co./Ambulance"
064-I- .... VW Transporter ....
Green/Yellow, white interior, MDM Convention Logo, "Midwest Regional Convention/2003"
ASAP Releases
027-D- .... Jeep Cherokee ....
White, red interior, clear dome, Enterprise Rent a Car logo on hood
027-D- .... Jeep Cherokee ....
White, red interior, clear dome, "MRMC 2003/An Adventure in Collecting/Police"
027-D- .... Jeep Cherokee ....
White, red interior, clear dome, "MRMC 2003/An Adventure in Collecting"
033-G- .... Utility Truck ....
White, white trolly, yellow/green design on sides, sawblade wheels -- Done for Southern California Edison
045-E- .... Highway Maintenance Truck ....
Orange, silver gray dumper, "IDOT"
047-E- .... School Bus ....
Yellow, black interior, "Western Michigan Broncos"
Launcher (Mission H2O)

011-H- .... BMW 3 Series .... Met. Red, white interior, "Mission H2O"
045-G- .... VW Beetle 4x4 .... Met. Silver, red engine, blue water wave design, "Mission H20"
052-B- .... Police Launch .... Lt. Blue, sound wave design, "Mission H2O"
068-M- .... 1998 Jeep Wrangler .... Black, white interior, red frame, "Mission H2O"
MB460- .... 1999 Ford Mustang .... White, clear windows, "Mission H2O"
The above set is also available with Mustang comes with Cherry windows instead of clear windows
Nothing to Report.
Nothing to Report.
Justice League Set-1

001-G- .... Dodge Viper GTS .... Two tone blue, red roof, Superman design
040-C- .... Corvette "T" Roof .... White, red interior, Wonderwoman design
040-K- .... Dodge Conept Car .... Green/Black, white interior, "Green Lantern"
Justice League Set-2

011-G- .... Chrysler Atlantic .... Yellow, black interior, Martian onsides, "X" on hood
034-G- .... Plymouth Prowler .... Black, purple interior, Batman design
070-L- .... VW W12 Concept Car .... Red/Yellow, lemon interior, fastest man design, "The Flash"