Financial Officer for AMSA (a registered student group at NYU).
Time Series Forecasting ARIMA/SARIMA models.
Time Series Forecasting ARCH models.
Principal Component Analysis, using SAS for yearly expenses of 211 employee over 17 different category.
Design various Database in Access.
09/89 - 09/93
BS Economics, September 1993.
Earned Omicron Delta Epsilon award for scholastic achievements, Spring 1993.
Member Actuarial Society.
08/83 - 12/87
BS (Honors) Economics, December 1987. Minor Mathematics & Statistics.
Earned first position in the Faculty of Arts.
Always remained among the top 2% of the class.
Membership of BETA GAMMA SIGMA Honor Society; May 1996
Membership of Omicron Delta Epsilon International Honor Society in
Economics: February 1993
Dean's List: Fall 1990 semester.
Award for Excellence: Fall 1989 semester.
Gold Medal: June 1988 from
Ahamadiyya Movement in Islam on achieving 1ST position in BS (Honors).
Gold Medal: December 1987 from the University of Karachi on achieving 1ST
position in BS (Honors).

TYPING: 50 - 55 WPM.
LANGUAGES: Fluent English and Urdu.
SYSTEMS: PC/MS DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows95, UNIX, VAX.
SOFTWARE: MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Lotus Notes, Quattro
Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, WordPerfect, dBASE III PLUS, DrawPerfect, WordPerfect Presentation,
HTML, Hyperion, Sysbase, Photoshop, and Statistix.

Collector: An avid collector of
"Matchbox Toys" since 1974. Have a collection of over 15,000 diecast models.
Memberships: Member of "Matchbox USA, & Matchbox Collectors Club & Matchbox Forum, world-wide
clubs for Matchbox collectors.
Photography: Like to photograph buildings, bridges and birds.
Games: Captain of one of the 12 teams at the AXA Bowling League.
Other:Member of the AXA ToastmasterÕs Club, An active member of the Humanity First ø a Global non-for-profit
References available upon request
Last Updated: February 2007

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